BCR is part of the BCR Group that also includes BCR Banca pentru Locuinte SA, BCR Pensii, Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private SA and BCR Leasing IFN SA.
BCR Banca pentru Locuinte SA – BCR subsidiary, registered in 2008, in the context of regulations of the National Bank of Romania regarding credit institutions, as well as specific provisions and regulations for housing banks issued by the supervisory authority, the Ministry of Public Finance and the European Commission, with respect to the Basel III regulations. The savings and loans company’s objective is to promote, support and capitalize on the development of the Romanian savings and loans system, offering savings and loans products (bauspar products), especially to individuals, as an alternative to housing loans, as well as medium - term deposit products.
BCR holds a stake of 99.99% in the company’s share capital.
BCR Pensii, Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private SA – BCR subsidiary, registered in 2007, under the specific legislation issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority. The company operates in the private pension funds management field: Fondul de Pensii Administrat Privat BCR (Pillar 2) and Fondul de Pensii Facultativ BCR Plus (Pillar 3).
BCR holds a stake of 99.99% in the company’ share capital.
BCR Leasing IFN SA – BCR subsidiary, registered in 2001, currently one of the important players on the Romanian leasing market. The company is governed by Law no 93/2009 on non-banking financial institutions. The main activity of the subsidiary is to provide financial/financing leasing services - flexible and efficient solutions for the financing of passenger and commercial motor vehicles, light and heavy equipment, providing immediate access to the goods for which financing is granted, the possibility of paying VAT in instalments and also paying the residual value at the end of the leasing agreement and zero VAT for intercommunity financing transactions.
BCR holds a stake of 99.97% in the company’s share capital.