The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the bank’s management body
The Ordinary GMS deliberates and decides on:
- discussing, approving or changing the annual financial statements, after hearing the reports of the: Supervisory Board, Management Board and financial auditor, including the reports of Supervisory Board’s committees if applicable, and setting up the dividends, reserves or other allotments;
- electing and revoking the Supervisory Board members;
- setting up an adequate remuneration for the Supervisory Board members for the current year;
- assessing the activity of Supervisory Board and Management Board’s members and discharging them of duty for the previous financial year;
- approving the income and expense budget and, if applicable, the plan of activities for the next financial year;
- approving the pledge, lease or close down of the Bank’s units;
- approving the initiation of the legal proceedings against the members of Supervisory Board and the financial auditor and nominating the person empowerd to represent the Bank in such legal process;
- appointing and revoking the financial auditor and establishing the minimum duration of the contract concluded with them.
The Extraordinary GMS deliberates and decides on:
- discussing, approving or changing the annual financial statements, after hearing the reports of the: Supervisory Board, Management Board and reducing the share capital;
- reconstituting the share capital in order to meet the minimum capital requirements established by law;
- reshaping the Bank main business activity as set forth in Article 7 of the Charter;
- the merger of the Bank with any other company or the Bank splitting up process;
- the liquidation and dissolution of the Bank;\
- issuance of bonds;
- conversion of shares from one class to another;
- re-organizing, consolidating or provision documents regarding to intangible assets, when the value of transactions exceeds 25 (twenty five) percent of the Bank own funds;
- contracts conclusion by the Management Board’s members regarding the acquisition, selling, lease, exchange or pledge of the Bank assets if the value of such assets exceeds 50 (fifty) percent of the Bank's assets book value on the date of concluding such legal agreement;
- purchase by the Bank of its own shares, directly or indirectly, in accordance with the law;
- amending the Bank Charter;
- increasing the share capital related to the primary public offer of shares aiming to ensure the listing of the Bank shares on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and
All shareholders may attend the general meetings of shareholders, in person or by means of a representative. Shareholders can be represented at the General Meeting of Shareholders based on a special power of attorney lodged with the Bank by at least 2 (two) working days before the relevant meeting.