Management Board (MB)
The Management Board ensures the operational management of the Bank and the effective management of the compliance risk.
The Management Board members are authorized to manage the bank on a daily basis and they have authority and power to legally represent and bound the Bank, according to the Bank Charter.
- The Management Board has five members appointed by the Supervisory Board, one of them being appointed as President of the Management Board;
- Management Board members have to meet the general conditions provided by the law and the special conditions of the Banking Law, National Bank’s regulations, and Recruitment and Remuneration Policy of BCR Group management;
- Management Board’s members remuneration is decided by the Supervisory Board;
- Management Board’s mandate lasts four years;
- The President and the other members of the Management Board have competences and assignments established by law and by the Management Board’s Internal Rules. In case any member of the Management Board is a Bank’s employee, his/her individual labour contract is suspended for the whole period of membership in the Management Board.
Main responsibilities:
- managing the implementation of Bank’s financial targets, strategy and business plan;
- systematically and regularly approving and revising the strategies and policies regarding the risk management.
- approving the strategies and policies related to the internal capital and own equity (covering and proportional to the nature, extension and complexity of the activity conducted by the Bank),
- periodically monitoring and assessing the efficiency of the Bank’s activity management framework and practices, mainly the management policies regarding the management framework, and reviewing the management framework in order to reflect any changes in the internal and external factors affecting the Bank,
- approving the explicit plan regarding the capital,
- approving and assessing the Bank risk appetite,
- approving the level of interest, commission, fees, costs and other similar bank changes collected and paid by the Bank in line with the budget approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders,
- approving the internal rules of the committees established by the Management Board. Shareholders.
Management Board membership:
- Sergiu Cristian Manea - CEO
- Elke Meier - Executive vice-president CFO
- Dana Dima (Demetrian) - Executive vice-president Retail & Private Banking
- Ioana Gheorghiade - Executive vice-president, CRO
- Thomas Kolarik – Executive vice-president COO
The Management Board may set up committees as it deems necessary and appropriate. Such committee’s competencies and authority will be stipulated by the Management Board and responsibilities will be defined by each committee’s internal rules.
Management Board’s Committees
Asset and Liabilities Committee (ALCO)
ALCO reviews, reports to, and assists the Management Board in carrying responsibilities as regard asset and liabilities structure management, financing strategy, interest rate policy, liquidity policy, pricing for savings products/ lending products/ cards/ , introducing/ suspension or removal the products and services . The committee is a body for analysis and decision that issues decisions and recommendations according to the established authority limits.
The ALCO consists of the Management Board members.
The responsibilities, organization, working means and procedures of ALCO are established by the ALCO Internal Rules.
ALCO membership:
- Elke Meier – Chairman
- Sergiu Cristian Manea - Deputy Chairman
- Dana Dima (Demetrian) – Member
- Ioana Gheorghiade – Member
- Thomas Kolarik - Member
Credit Committee
The Credit Committee reviews, reports to, and assists the Management Board in carrying its responsibilities regarding loans granting, changing of terms and conditions for granting, using and/or securing some previously granted loans, concluding agreements, extending their validity periods, issuing letters of guarantee, factoring and other activities, for retail, corporate and workout customers.
The Credit Committee is made of 3 members.
The responsibilities, organization, working means and procedures of Credit Committee are established by the Credit Committee and Subcommittee Internal Rules
Credit Committee membership:
- Ioana Gheorghiade - Chairwoman
- Elke Meier - Deputy Chairwoman
- Sergiu Cristian Manea (CEO) / Dana Dima (Demetrian) (Executiv Vice-president Retail & Private Banking) – Member *)
*) CEO will have voting rights as a member of CC only for the the Corporate and Workout Corporate applications and the Retail and Private Banking Executive VP will have voting rights as member of CC only for Retail and Workout Retail applications.
Risk Committee of Management Board
Risk Committee of Management Board is subordinated to the Management Board, and is responsible for approval, pre-approval and reviewing the aspects regarding the risk administration.
The responsibilities, organization, working means and procedures of Risk Committee of Management Board are established by the Risk Committee of Management Board Internal Rules
Risk Committee of Management Board membership :
- Ioana Gheorghiade - Chairwoman
- Sergiu Cristian Manea - Deputy Chairman
- Thomas Kolarik - Member
Data Analytics & AI Committee
DAAI Commitee subordinated to the Management Board and its responsibilities are delegated by the MB for all aspects related to data in BCR, regulatory requirements related to Data Management and approval of Data Analytics & AI Operational Decision Body (ODB) data related initiatives and prioritizations, takes strategic decisions on topics associated with Data Management and Reporting or projects and initiatives related to the BI area.
The responsibilities, organization, working means and procedures of the DAAIC are established by the Internal Rules of the Committees subordinated to the Management Board.
Data Analytics & AI Committee membership:
- Elke Meier – Chairwoman
- Thomas Kolarik – Deputy Chairman
- Ioana Gheorghiade – Member
- Dana Dima – Member
- Alexandru Antonescu - Member
Sustainability Committee
Sustainability Committee is subordinated to the Management Board and its responsibilities are delegated by the MB for all aspects related sustainability.
The responsibilities, organization, working means and procedures of Sustainability Committee are established by the Sustainability Committee Internal Rules
Sustainability Committee membership:
- Ioana Gheorghiade – Chairwoman
- Sergiu Manea – Deputy Chairman
- Elke Meier – Member
- Dana Dima – Member
- Thomas Kolarik – Member
Capital Management Committee
Is subordinated to the Management Board and is an analysis, consultative and decision-making body for all joint alignments, endorsements, decisions as well as confirmations related to capital management relevant topics in BCR Group across all its Divisions, Departments, Staff Units and Subsidiaries.
The responsibilities, organization, working means and procedures of this Committee are established by the Committees subordinated to Management Board - Internal Rules
Capital Management Committee membership:
- Elke Meier – Chairwoman
- Ioana Gheorghiade – Deputy Chairwoman
- Ramona Stefan – member
- Andrei Burciu – member
- Alexandru Penes - member