Whistleblowing “promoting integrity and transparency”
We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our interactions, ensuring trust and transparency with our customers, employees and partners (contractors, subcontractors and suppliers), integrity being one of our core values.
Banca Comerciala Romana has developed a special reporting channel in accordance with the provisions of Law 361/2022 regarding the protection of whistleblowers in the public interest , respectively EU Directive 2019/1937
The channel is exclusively dedicated for reporting ethical breaches or other irregularities, such as fraud, conflicts of interest or behaviors that contravene the BCR's internal policies, national and international legislation as well as EU law that are detrimental to the public interest
When to use this reporting channel?
- Financial crime offenses (fraud, embezzlement etc);
- Corruption or conflict of interest.
- Breach of internal regulations/ national or international law by an employee or a individual or legal person acting on behalf of /and for the Bank;
- Violation of securities and market regulations (insider trading, market manipulation, dissemination of false information);
- Money laundering/ terrorist financing;
- Data security, confidential information, falsification of documents etc;
Reporting Channels
e-mail address: bcr.whistleblower@bcr.ro
by phone: (dedicated line) 021 312.18.09
Attention !!! This channel is NOT used as a channel for complaints and petitions in relation to the functionality and design of banking products offered/distributed by BCR, for these situations the Bank provides customers with the channels presented in the section "Contact us" https://www.bcr.ro/ro/contact or in any physical banking agency using in advance the appointment form in the section "Schedule an appointment" https://www.bcr.ro/ro/retea-unitati1/programare
Why is it important ?
By using this channel, you are helping to protect BCR's integrity and values. Together we can maintain an ethical, safe and fair business environment.
This channel is open to any natural or legal person in Romania or abroad who can report a suspicion in relation with BCR, its employees or with persons acting on behalf of BCR (customers, suppliers, third parties).
Protection and Confidentiality:
Whistleblowers will not be at risk of dismissal, disciplinary actions or any other contractual penalties or any other form of sanction. Their identity will be protected, even if it is found that what is reported is not confirmed, provided that:
- they act in good faith.
- they believe on reasonable grounds that the information is correct.
- not to make the report in bad faith or for the purpose of personal gain or reward.
- not to make the referral with the purpose of exonerating himself/herself from possible legal/ procedural liability.
Nota Bene: By simply making a report, the potential guilt of the whistleblower is not removed, but the whistleblower may benefit from attenuating clauses considering the fact that he/she chose to report the facts. BCR treats any false or bad faith allegations made under this procedure seriously and will consider them as serious disciplinary misconduct. The person making such allegations will also be held accountable according to the law/internal rules.
In case you deem necessary in Annex 1 you identify a number of institutions that are mandated with the supervision of the Romanian or EU Financial Market or that have attributions in the administration of Law 361/2022.