Electronic signature

The Trans Sped electronic signature package offered to BCR customers


The Trans Sped electronic signature package is offered to BCR customers with a 23% discount. According to the ANAF Order no. 2520/2010, "Large and medium-sized taxpayers, defined according to the applicable regulations, as well as their secondary offices, are bound to submit certain tax returns by remote electronic means, through the National Electronic System", starting with obligations which must be declared on November 25, 2010. For other types of taxpayers, electronic reporting can be used as an alternative means for submitting statements.  The signing of tax returns is performed through the use of a qualified digital certificate, issued by a provider of certification services, accredited under Law 455/2001 on the electronic signature.

Contents of the Trans Sped electronic signature package:

  • qualified digital certificate
  • EasySign Light secured cryptographic device


  • data confidentiality and integrity, fast and secure communication with partners and customers, elimination of costs related to printing and sending documents by post or fax
  • on-line deposition of tax returns on the A.N.A.F., C.N.P.A.S., A.N.O.F.M., C.N.A.S. portal www.e-guvernare.ro
  • possibility to take part in electronic tendering
  • on-line submitting of documents to the Trade Registry e-forms.onrc.ro

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