APIA subsidy loan

  • less time required to obtain the loan
  • flexibility in the approval conditions
  • advantageous interest and fees


  • destined for financing the working capital required for the performance of the current activities, up to the moment of effective payments made by APIA
  • eligible beneficiaries can be corporate customers, small companies, certified individuals, individual enterprises, other legal persons who are beneficiaries of APIA subsidies which:
    • own a collateral deposit account assigned in favor of the bank, in which the subsidy amounts will be collected
    • undertake activities in the agricultural field no matter for how long
  • currency: RON
  • the value of the loan The value of the loan will be maximum 85% of the amount to be collected from APIA for SAPS/PNDR subsidies, respectively maximum 90% of the certificate value issued by APIA for beneficiaries of Measure 14T -  Poultry and swine welfare
  • grace period for interest payment, until the actual payments are made by APIA

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