Contact Us

From Romania:
*2BCR (*2227)

Standard rate number available 24/7 for card and internet banking or Mon-Sun 08-22:00 for any information about your products.

From abroad: 

Normal rate number available 24/7 for card and internet banking or Mon-Sun 08-22:00 for any information about your products.

For legal entities regarding
Business 24 Banking/ 
e-BCR / MultiCash


*If necessary, we contact you from the number 0373.514.227.

We are here to help you.
We will get back to you
in the shortest time possible.

Schedule your visit to a BCR branch

Do you have an issue that can only be solved at the BCR branch?

Schedule a visit online or by phone, to the nearest BCR unit.

Requests which require user identification are performed only by telephone, at the telephone numbers mentioned above.

Identification data

BCR identification details
Fiscal / Unique Code: 361757
Trade Register Code: J40/90/1991
Registered Capital: 1.625.341.625,40 lei
Registration number: RB-PJR-40-008/1999
BIC code: RNCB