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Regulation (EU) 518/2019 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 amending Regulation (EC) No 924/2009 as regards certain charges for cross-border payments made in the Union and currency conversion charges

According to Regulation (EU) 518/2019 the account holder, individual person, will receive an electronic notification for each card issued by BCR, used for transactions at POS, online or cash withdrawals from ATMs in the European Union.

The notification will be sent electronically to the account holder only for the first transaction of the respective month, made in a currency other than the one in which the account attached to the card is opened and will contain information about: amount in transaction currency, amount in account currency, details on date and place of transaction as well as the currency conversion fee expressed as a percentage taking in consideration the reference rate of the European Central Bank (ECB).

The margins in the table below indicate an indicative comparison with the reference rates of the European Central Bank (ECB) and reflect the impact of both the Visa / Mastercard exchange rates and the BCR exchange rates (including any currency conversion fees).

Depending on the settlement date of a transaction, the amounts finally debited from the current account or from the credit limit may use exchange rates different from those that were the basis for calculating the margins displayed for the date of the transaction.

Exchange rates for cards

Last update: 23.03.2022



If you do not want to be informed about the costs of currency conversion, you can contact us at any time at * 2BCR (* 2227) number with normal callable rate from national fixed and mobile networks or at 021 407 42 00 callable number from abroad, to let us know your choice.

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