More of George account
100% online
George is the bank where everything happens online, from the comfort of your phone.
Create the account, without going to the bank.
More of George account
100% online
George is the bank where everything happens online, from the comfort of your phone.
Create the account, without going to the bank.
Why George?

Without going to the bank
You open the account 100% online, choose the color of your card, then you receive it directly at home*.
* Card delivery fee - 10 lei

You have ZERO commission
When withdrawing from any ATM in the world* or transferring in lei to any bank in Romania.
And ZERO commission for administration if you receive at least 600 lei per month in the account**.
* Some ATMs of foreign banks charge a fee. Check the ATM screens before approving withdrawals.
** or 6 lei/month for receiving less than 600 lei

Pay contactless
With Apple Pay or George Pay* you can pay directly with your phone. You can add your card directly from the George app.
* George Pay can only be activated on phones with Android operating system (minimum 5.0) and NFC functionality enabled.
Be flexible, but calculated
You manage your budgets, pay your bills, and have access to the best banking solutions, directly from your phone. George is like you too! Customize the George interface at any time as you like.
What steps will you follow?
Choose the color of your card and the delivery address.
To make sure it's you, we validate the provided information by a video call with a George specialist.
Sign the contract electronically and receive it by e-mail, together with the connection instructions.
George is the way to make banking more comfortable and less complicated
Instant payments to friends
Enjoy the speed of instant transfers in George and don’t worry about when your money will get into the account. Moreover, you have ZERO commission when you transfer to another BCR or George account.
George Moneyback Service
With George, each shopping session brings back money into your account and the chance to win 500 RON. Activate the option in the Profile, pay with your BCR or George card at our partners, and receive back in the account the amount equals the discount. Activate promotions quickly anywhere and anytime.
George Credit
What can you do in 10 minutes? You can get credit through George, with fixed rates, personalized interest rate, and zero commission (for analysis and administration)! You get credit with just a few touches of the screen, 100% online: credit or refinancing, as well as the repayment period.
Do you already have George?
Find out everything George can do for you!
See how you connect, what operations you can do, and how to customize your options the way you want..
George App
The first inteligent banking gets along with smartphones perfectly.
Always take George with you, in the George smartphone app.