BCR Term Deposit
Saves smartly with 5%* interest per year for term deposits in RON for 12 months
- For the deposits opened online in George, you have a interest bonus of 0.80% per year above the standard level, for the period in which you receive your salary or pension in the BCR account
- You open the deposit quickly and easily, online in George
The interest of 5% per year is valid for term deposits in RON for 12 month opened online by George app and consists of: standard interest 4.2% per year and interest bonus of 0.80% per year above the standard level, when you have monthly incomings of at least 1.000 RON in your BCR account
BCR Term Deposit
Saves smartly with 5%* interest per year for term deposits in RON for 12 months
- For the deposits opened online in George, you have a interest bonus of 0.80% per year above the standard level, for the period in which you receive your salary or pension in the BCR account
- You open the deposit quickly and easily, online in George
The interest of 5% per year is valid for term deposits in RON for 12 month opened online by George app and consists of: standard interest 4.2% per year and interest bonus of 0.80% per year above the standard level, when you have monthly incomings of at least 1.000 RON in your BCR account
What do I get?

You receive up to 5%* interest rate per year for RON Term deposits with 12 months maturity

You can open a deposit from anywhere in the world through the George application, your Internet and Mobile Banking service.

For newly opened deposits in RON and foreign currency (EUR and USD) opened online, for the period in which you get the income in an BCR account.
Why should I make a term deposit?
It’s that simple! Maybe you want to save money for your dream vacation, to renovate your house or ... just to have something aside in case of an unexpected event.
BCR Deposit helps you to turn any plan into reality and offers you an interest bonus for the period in which you receive your income (salary/pension) in your BCR account when you opened the deposit through George Internet / Mobile Banking.
Here are the benefits
- You can open and manage the deposit at any time through the Internet and Phone Banking and Mobile Banking services (George application);
- You have the option to make automatic prolongation and you no longer have to worry about renewing your deposit at each maturity; the interest rate granted will be the one applied and displayed by BCR on the day of the deposit prolongation;
- The interest rate is fixed for the entire period of the deposit;
- Your money are safe: the deposits are guaranteed by the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, up to a limit of 100,000 EUR, equivalent in RON, per depositor per bank.

Currency: RON, EUR, USD;
Available for: 3, 6, 12 months;
Minimum starting amount: 500 RON, 200 EUR, 200 USD.
Currency: RON;
Available for: 24 months;
Minimum starting amount: 500 RON.
How do I open the term deposit?
If you are not a customer yet, first open a George account 100% online from home.
Then access the George app and open a term deposit online, easily and quickly.
What are the costs?
Deposit opening commission
Free of charge (ZERO)
Cash deposit commission
Free of charge (ZERO), both for RON and FCY accounts
Cash withdrawal commission
As per Standard Tariffs and Commission, applied at the date of the operation
Monthly administration fee for current account
✔ Free of charge (ZERO), when your option is a current account that is used exclusively in connection with the operation of the deposit;
✔ Free of charge (ZERO), with the George account that you can access 100% online and save time. You have a current account, debit card and Mobile Banking application in a few minutes. The monthly management fee is ZERO if you meet the rollover conditions and make at least one monthly payment with your card or through George;
✔ If you do not fall under any of the two points above, the administration fee is the one mentioned in your current account agreement.
Income taxes
According to the regulations in force, for the interest income you receive you have to pay an income tax. It will be withheld automatically by the bank, so there is no need to do any other formalities to declare or pay the tax. Income tax is:
✔ 10% from the deposit interest for customers resident in Romania, in the EU or in countries with which Romania has concluded conventions to avoid double taxation;
✔ 16% for customers who do not meet the above conditions.
Situations may arise in which you also owe the social health insurance contribution (CASS) related to interest income:
✔ If you had other incomes whose cumulative value (for example, liberal professions / copyrights / rents / dividends / interest / earnings from the transfer of securities) are at least equal to 6 minimum gross salaries in the country, then you owe CASS.
Additional information about deposits
The standard interest rate is granted to: (1) deposits made in banking units and (2) deposits made through any channel for customers who do not collect income in the BCR account.
The interest rates for deposits in RON opened in Internet Banking/Mobile Banking includes an interest bonus of 0.80% above the standard interest rate. For deposits initially opened in Internet Banking/Mobile Banking after 18.01.2024, the bonus applies under the following conditions:
a. When opening the deposit, (i) when the clients have incomings in the Current Account opened at BCR of at least 1000 RON/month, in 3 of the last 4 months before the time of deposit opening or (ii) as a result of the Client's commitment that, from the date of deposit opening, the client will have incomings of at least 1000 RON/month in a Current Account opened at BCR.
b. at the term deposit prolongation, for deposits with automatic prolongation, when the client has incomings in Current Account opened at BCR in the amount of at least 1000 RON/month, in 3 of the last 4 months before the deposit prolongation.
Excluded for the above conditions are transfers between own client accounts opened at BCR, incomings from gambling, incomings from currency exchanges made through own accounts opened at BCR, as well as incomings from different events related to transactions made with the Card (e.g.: rejected/cancelled transactions, payment refusals, amounts collected as a result of the return of products purchased with the card, etc.). For deposits initially opened in Internet Banking/Mobile Banking between 21.11.2019 and 17.01.2024, the bonus is granted upon automatic deposit prolongation, as a result of receiving the salary/pension in a current account opened at BCR, with the exception of customers who receives their salary and have deposits with a term of 3 months for which the bank grants a bonus only for new deposits opened starting with 03.06.2022.
The interest rates for deposits in EUR and USD opened in Internet Banking/Mobile Banking includes an interest bonus of 0.5% above the standard interest rate. For deposits initially opened in Internet Banking/Mobile Banking after 18.01.2024, the bonus applies under the following conditions:
a. When opening the deposit, (i) when the clients have incomings in the Current Account opened at BCR of at least 1000 RON/month, in 3 of the last 4 months before the time of deposit opening or (ii) as a result of the Client's commitment that, from the date of deposit opening, the client will have incomings of at least 1000 RON/month in a Current Account opened at BCR.
b. at the term deposit prolongation, for deposits with automatic prolongation, when the client has incomings in Current Account opened at BCR in the amount of at least 1000 RON/month, in 3 of the last 4 months before the deposit prolongation.
Excluded for the above conditions are transfers between own client accounts opened at BCR, incomings from gambling, incomings from currency exchanges made through own accounts opened at BCR, as well as incomings from different events related to transactions made with the Card (e.g.: rejected/cancelled transactions, payment refusals, amounts collected as a result of the return of products purchased with the card, etc.).
For deposits initially opened in Internet Banking/Mobile Banking between 06.02.2023 and 17.01.2024, the bonus is granted upon automatic deposit prolongation, as a result of receiving the salary/pension in a current account opened at BCR. For the term deposits opened before 06.02.2023 the bank does not applies the bonus.
The interest rate is fixed for the period between the moment of deposit opening and the maturity date. Upon automatic prolongation, the standard interest rate displayed on the date of prolongation will be applied and the bonus will be granted or not, depending on BCR's commercial policy on the date of automatic extension.
You can benefit from:
- automatic deposit prolongation - at maturity date, the bank is empowered to set up a new deposit, for the same period of time;
- the interest is added to the term deposit account at the deposit maturity, its balance increasing with the bonus amount for the previous period.
A current account is required for the collection of interest and for the deposit liquidation.
You can appoint an unlimited number of empowerments.