• The heavy commercial vehicle and equipment financing has increased more than three times compared to the same period of last year.
  • The increase is mainly supported by the segment of the small- and medium-sized enterprises.
  • BCR Leasing IFN has reduced the standard interest rate by 0.5 percentage points.

During the first quarter of this year, BCR Leasing IFN has obtained a net profit of 6.3 million RON compared to 0.7 million RON during the first three months of 2014, reporting an increase in sales of 66% compared to the same period of last year. The company has achieved at the end of March a market share of 8%, occupying the third position in the top of the leasing companies on the national market function of the volume of new sales.

The operating incomes of the company have reached the level of 12.7 million RON, while the operating expenses have reached 5.1 million RON during the first quarter. The balance of the financings granted to clients has increased by 9% during the last year, which has led to the recovery of the total asset volume above the threshold of 1 billion RON. During the months of January-March, the risk provisions have had a negative impact of 0.9 million RON, considerably smaller than the 2.1 million RON during the similar period of 2014.

The value of the goods financed during the first quarter of 2015 was of 123 million RON. The most important sales volumes have targeted the heavy commercial vehicles and equipment, where the financed volumes have increased over three times, especially supported by the small- and medium-sized enterprises.

In order to welcome the clients, BCR Leasing IFN has reduced the standard interest rate by 0.5 percentage points, BCR Leasing accessing the EIB credit lines, mainly meant for the financing of the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and of the public entities.

At the same time, another benefit for the client is represented by the optimization of the vehicle financing flow for the standard retail transactions, which now allows an answer to be granted to the financing application in just a couple of minutes.

"We are optimistic both regarding the market evolution and regarding BCR Leasing in 2015. The results of the previous year and the results in the first quarter of this year offer us the confidence that we are on the right path. Consequently, we will continue the project which we have started during the previous years and we will start new projects, the business development being a priority. We have a good start for 2015 which entitles us to hope that we will attain our goals for this year", Bogdan Speteanu, General Manager of BCR Leasing IFN, has declared.

The evolution per types of assets shows a significant increase in the vehicle financing. In achieving these volumes, the partnerships with the dealers, especially for the heavy commercial vehicle dealers have proved beneficial for proper information of the clients and in order to offer financing packages with bigger benefits.

For the purpose of encouraging the renewal of the vehicle and light commercial vehicle fleet, lower than 3.5 tons, in the beginning of the month of May, BCR Leasing IFN has launched a financing offer for these assets, under the name "BCR Leasing helps your business be on the move", with attractive costs for the client, to which extensive financing periods are added, free of charge hull insurance for six months and the possibility to take part in a course of preventive driving which is free of charge, conducted by one of the pilots of "BCR Leasing Rally Team".

Regarding leasing for equipment, the company intends to maintain a level of 2/3 vehicle financings and 1/3 equipment financings in 2015. Within the latter segment, a priority area for the company is represented by the support offered to the financings of agricultural equipment and devices.

It is a fact that the degree of technology implemented in Romanian agriculture is considerably lower than its potential. We strongly believe that the leasing companies may and should play a more important role in financing the agricultural equipment, especially in the case of the smaller farmers who currently do not have so many solutions when it comes to the purchase of new high performance equipment", Bogdan Speteanu added thus saluting the ALB initiative to sign the protocol with the Ministry of Agriculture through which the leasing companies have the possibility to co-finance projects with European financing during the period 2014-2020.

In the beginning of the month of March, BCR Leasing has launched a financing offer for new and second hand agricultural equipment and devices, which is available in the BCR and BCR Leasing IFN agencies throughout the country. The financings are offered in RON and Euros, with advance payments starting from 10% and financing periods of up to six years. The promotional offer is valid until October 31st.

BCR LEASING IFN S.A., a company member of the Banca Comercială Română Group, a part of ERSTE Group, offers financial leasing services for the purchasing of vehicles, fleets, industrial equipment and devices, agricultural devices, medical equipment, etc. Through its specialized subsidiary, BCR Fleet Management, the company also offers personalised operating leasing and fleet management services for a large number of vehicles and light commercial vehicles. BCR LEASING IFN S.A. owns a large national network of leasing services and an important client portfolio in all the business areas.

For further information:

Business development and communication department


e-mail: marketing@bcr-leasing.ro