Bucharest, 15 October 2015 – 10,000 customers have already signed the offer of Banca Comercială Română (BCR) to reduce monthly instalments, by an average of 20%, as part of the Scade Rata (Cut your instalment) campaign.

„10,000 customers are already enjoying lower rates, appreciating the BCR strategy to decrease the credit interest rates and the pro-active approach of the new offer which includes ZERO commissions (analysis, account management), and a FREE life insurance. SCADE RATA campaign is an important step that BCR wishes to take in strengthening its relations with its customers”, stated Dana Demetrian, Executive Vice-president Retail&Private Banking,  BCR.

The customers who have accepted the BCR offer so far are mostly male (66%), older than 44 years (average age at roll-over date), from urban areas (Bucharest), married (82%), higher education graduates with income above average. They are engineers, economists or public servants who appreciate concise offers and fast results. They have good and very good financial knowledge and are familiar with banking products and use them (they use, on average, 3 banking products) and they focus on internet banking payments. These customers are careful with their monthly expenses and are interested in the advantages they may obtain by cooperating with a bank.

BCR offers its customers who have mortgage loans the opportunity to benefit from a fixed interest rate of 4.95%/year for a period of 5 years, and customers who have personal loans with mortgage, an interest rate of 5.95%/an. After this period, the interest rate will be calculated as ROBOR/EURIBOR/LIBOR at 6 months + 3%, and +4% respectively for clients with real estate security agreements.

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Banca Comercială Română (BCR), a member of Erste Group, is the most important financial group in Romania, providing universal banking operations (retail, corporate & investment banking, treasury and capital markets), and covering specialty companies working on the leasing market, private pensions and housing banks. BCR is Romania’s No. 1 bank in terms of asset value (€14,4 bn.), in terms of client base and in terms of savings and crediting. BCR is also Romania’s most important financial brand, judging by the client trust rate and by the number of persons who consider that BCR is their main banking partner.

BCR uses a network of 22 corporate business centres and 23 mobile offices devoted to corporate clients, and 509 retails units located in most communities inhabited by at least 10,000 citizens in order to provide a full range of financial products and services. BCR is Romania’s No. 1 bank running on the banking transactions market, since BCR customers have the largest ATM network at their disposal – nearly 2,000 ATMs and 13,500 POS terminals, enabling customers to use their cards for shopping purposes, as well as the complete Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Phone-banking and E-commerce services.

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Erste Group is one of the main suppliers of financial services in Eastern European Union. About 46,500 bank officers working in 2,800 branches in seven countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia) assist 16.2 mn. customers. Erste Group reported a total asset pool worth €202,6 bn. and a 56.1% cost-to-income ratio at the end of Q1 of 2015. First-ranking common equity index (Basel 3 implemented partially) has improved to 10.2%.

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BCR – External Communication 

Alina Daneasa, e-mail: alina.daneasa@bcr.ro

This information is also available on our website: www.bcr.ro.

For more details about the products and services provided by BCR, please use one of the coordinates below to contact us:


Web: www.bcr.ro

Email: contact.center@bcr.ro

TelVerde: 0800.801.BCR (0800.801.227), toll-free from all national networks.