Bucharest, 15 May 2017 – Banca Comerciala Română (BCR) launches, for the seventh consecutive year, the program called “BCR Summer Job”, the only financial education program with an internship component addressed to high-school students of over 16 years of age. BCR Summer Job Program takes place at country level, in July and August, when the high-school students shall have the possibility to work against payment within BCR subsidiaries.

In the Summer Job, the 50 selected participants will practice notions of financial and banking education, earn pocket money and learn how to manage them in a responsible way.

The experience acquired during the Summer Job Program was special: I have learnt many new things from experienced employees, who treated me as one of their colleagues. I have seen how it is to work and procure money by yourself, and, last but not least, I have formed an idea with regard to my future career”, said Andrei Aldea, student in Bucharest, participant in 2016 edition of the Program. 

“I have benefited from the Program for two consecutive years. Here I had my first contact with the financial and banking environment, and I was guided by two specialised mentors who have influenced my development as a person and as a professional. The atmosphere in the bank, and also the entire personnel have helped me to figure out that, in the future, I want a career in the banking sector, and, I am currently a student of the Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchanges”, said Ioana Radu, Buzau.

In order to enrol in the competition, the high-school students must take two simple steps, which will help them to acquire financial education knowledge, but also to become convinced that they are the right persons to work in BCR for two months:

  •  In the first stage, from 15 May to 29 May 2017, the high-school students must access the online course platform called Laboratorul de Cariere (Career Laboratory) - laboratoruldecariere.ro, to make an account and to cover the module Inteligența financiară pe înțelesul tuturor (Financial intelligence for all). In this module, they will evaluate their financial intelligence, learn to calculate their personal budget, establish their financial objectives and acknowledge the financial behaviour. After completing the module, they will qualify in the second selection stage, which shall take place from 29 May to 15 June 2017. The students who do not fully cover the module shall not pass in the following stage of the competition.
  • In the second stage, the high-school students shall prepare a paper in Romanian language with the theme “Who am I?” in which to honestly, creatively and originally state the skills, qualities or talents which recommend them to be part of the team of the largest bank in Romania. The arguments can be in the form of an essay, a presentation, a film, a video or an audio recording. Practically, any means of expression is allowed, provided that the material does not exceed 5 MB (megabytes) and it is sent at summerjob@bcr.ro until 15 June 2017, 06:00 p.m.

Within Summer Job Program, over 350 high-school students have worked, within the last seven years, in a BCR subsidiary and learnt how to spend their money in a responsible way.

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Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR), a member of Erste Group, is the most important financial group in Romania, including operations of universal bank (retail, corporate & investment banking, treasury and capital markets), as well as specialized companies on the leasing market, private pensions, housing banks and banking services. BCR is No. 1 bank in Romania on the assets value (over EUR 14.8 billion), No. 1 Bank by number of clients and No. 1 bank by savings and financing segments. BCR is the most valuable financial brand from Romania, considering the degree of trust of the clients and the number of people for whom BCR is the main banking institution.

BCR offers a complete range of products and financial services through a network of 22 business centres and 18 mobile offices for companies and 513 retail units located in major cities across the country with over 10,000 inhabitants. BCR is the No. 1 bank in Romania on the bank transaction market, BCR clients having available the largest national network of ATMs – over 2,000 ATMs and POSs – over 15,200 card payment terminals to merchants, as well as full service Internet banking, Mobile Banking, Phone-banking and E-commerce.

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Erste Group is one of the main financial service providers from the Eastern European Union. 46,700 employees serve 15.9 million clients in 2,700 branches from 7 countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia). At the end of the third trimester of 2016, Erste Group had total assets in amount of EUR 206.8 billion, a net profit of EUR 1.18 billion, and also 1st rank common capital index (Basel 3 fully integrated) of 13.2%.

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BCR – External Communication 

Catalin Ionita, e-mail: georgecatalin.ionita@bcr.ro

This information is also available on our web page at: www.bcr.ro

For details regarding BCR products and services, we are kindly asking you to use the following contact modalities


Web: www.bcr.ro

Email: contact.center@bcr.ro

TelVerde: 0800.801.BCR (0800.801.227), toll-free telephone number from all the national networks.