Bucharest, 19 May 2017 – West University of Timisoara has granted the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa Beneficiorum Publicorum to the Chief Executive Officer of BCR, Mr. Sergiu Manea. The distinction was conferred upon celebrating 50 years of existence of the Faculty of Economy and Business Management.

“It is an immense honour to accept this title from one of the most prestigious higher education institution from Romania, like West University. An institution which trains not just people, but characters, and together with which, on behalf of over 7,000 colleagues from BCR, I find mutual aspirations: responsibility, potential and, especially, confidence”, said Sergiu Manea.

On this occasion, BCR CEO advised the attending young people to offer their confidence to Romania.

“Have confidence in yourself and your colleagues! Your diversity of ideas, attitudes, passions or places from which you come – Timisoara, Bucharest or Galati – could transform the social space in which you are living today.

Have confidence your professors! To be a teacher in our days is not at all easy. But their mission is to provide us knowledge and the belief that it is possible. Especially when you fail. Because, indeed, you will fail many times in your life. But I tell you to have confidence! The greatest people have scored the highest achievements precisely after having the biggest fail.

Romania needs now more than ever before people with self-confidence. Because, in a world with finite resources, confidence can be an infinite resource”, said Sergiu Manea.


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Banca Comercială Română (BCR), a member of Erste Group, is the most important financial group in Romania, providing universal banking operations (retail, corporate & investment banking, treasury and capital markets), and covering specialty companies working on the leasing market, private pensions and housing banks. BCR is Romania’s No. 1 bank in terms of asset value (over 14,8 €bn.), in terms of client base and in terms of savings and crediting. BCR is also Romania’s most important financial brand, judging by the client trust rate and by the number of persons who consider that BCR is their main banking partner.

BCR uses a network of 22 corporate business centres and 18 mobile offices dedicated to corporate clients, and 513 retails units located in most communities inhabited by at least 10,000 citizens to provide a full range of financial products and services. BCR is Romania’s No. 1 bank running on the banking transactions market, since BCR customers have the largest ATM network at their disposal – over 2,000 ATMs and 15,200 POS terminals enabling customers to use their cards for shopping purposes, as well as the complete Internet banking, mobile banking, phone-banking and e-commerce services. 

Erste Group is one of the main suppliers of financial services in Eastern European Union. About 46,700 bank officers working in 2,700 branches in seven countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia) assist 15,9 mn. customers. Erste Group reported a total asset pool accounting for 206,8 bn. euro, a net profit of 1,18 bn. euro and a 13,2% cost-to-income ratio (Basel 3 integrally implemented) at the end of Q3 2016.

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BCR – External Communication

Cătălin Ioniță, e-mail: georgecatalin.ionita@bcr.ro

This information is also available on our website: www.bcr.ro

For more details about the products and services provided by BCR, please use one of the coordinates below to contact us:


Web: www.bcr.ro

Email: contact.center@bcr.ro

TelVerde: 0800.801.BCR (0800.801.227), toll-free from all national networks.