Bucharest, October 18th, 2017 – The National Bank of Romania (NBR) approved the appointment of  Arion Negrilă as Risk Vice President of BCR Banca pentru Locuinţe.

Arion Negrilă occupied the position of  Senior Executive Manager on risk functional line within BCR Group, position in which he managed the implementation of Basel III/ IRB Program and conducted activities for the recovery, solving and support in the elaboration of Risks Management Strategy at BCR Group level.  

Arion Negrilă has over 20 years of experience within BCR Group, of which 13 years in management positions, while he strengthened his career in risks strategic management, portfolios analysis and risks reporting, definition of risk ratings and parameters, lending regulations, capital management and regulatory governance. He obtained a Ph.D in banking risks management from Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and he is Lecturer at the Romanian Banking Institute, where he teaches about risks management, NBR and European risk regulations, internal assessment processes of capital adequacy (ICAAP).

“BCR Banca pentru Locuinţe can help hundreds of thousands of Romanians to live in better houses and benefit of all the required comfort, together with their families. Our mission is to offer financial education and solutions to our clients to improve dwelling conditions in Romania. The vast experience of Arion Negrilă will be a significant assets in the bank sustainable development”, declared Adriana Jankovicova, Chairman of Supervisory Board of BCR Banca pentru Locuinţe.

“The appointment as Vice President of BCR Banca pentru Locuinte is an honor and also a professional challenge. I am happy to join the team in BCR Banca pentru Locuinte and to contribute to its development”, declared Arion Negrilă, Vice President of BCR Banca pentru Locuinte.

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BCR - External Contact

Cezar Marin, e-mail: cezar.marin@bcr.ro

Cezar Marin, e-mail: cezar.marin@bcr.ro

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