Bucuresti, 26th October 2017 - Mrs. Elke Meier to take over the Chief Financial Officer position in the Management Board of Banca Comerciala Romana starting January 1st, 2018. Mrs. Adriana Jankovicova, current Board Member in charge with the Financial line, has decided to pursue other career opportunities outside of Erste Group at the end of her existing term, December 31st 2017.  

„We are thankful to Adriana for managing important responsibilities across our Banking Group during times of high challenges. During her mandate BCR fortified its balance sheet and initiated forward looking business steering initiatives. Our success today owes a lot to her contribution” said Sergiu Manea, CEO of BCR.

„With her energy and determination, Adriana Jankovicova has played a key role in the management team of BCR during the time of the turnaround and has benefitted the bank a lot. Adriana created an excellent base for the strategic financial steering of BCR‘s business development in a sustainable way, given the prevailing low interest rate environment and the need to become ever more focussed and efficient. We are grateful for her contribution to BCR and wish her all the best in her professional and personal future”, said Manfred Wimmer, Chairman of BCR‘s Supervisory Board.

Elke Meier joins BCR after an international career span in Austria and CEE of more than 25 years, out of wich the last 16 years within Erste Group, most recently as CFO and Managing Director of Erste Group IT International. Elke Meier is a highly experienced manager with relevant history in managing financials for large scale entities accross various functions such as: accounting and taxes, planning and controlling, facility management, IT restructuring and strategic project management. 

“We are delighted to welcome Elke Meier, a highly experienced manager with relevant history in managing the financial matters of strategic subsidiaries for Erste Group. Her experience will be instrumental to establishing an integrative financial function for BCR, aimed at long term growth of the company. We look forward to best practice transfer and her proven leadership in transfomation and strategic development“, stated Sergiu Manea, CEO of BCR.    

„Elke Meier has the right set of knowledge, experience and personal skills to support and enhance cooperation across the bank, based on relevant financial and business intelligence. She is very familiar with the challenges faced by a large banking business in an emerging European market, and I am fully confident that she will add significantly to BCR‘s managment team and the bank‘s sustainable development”, commented Manfred Wimmer, Chairman of BCR‘s Supervisory Board.

Mrs. Meier graduated from the Academy of Economics in Vienna, Austria, where she majored in Accounting and Auditing, further specializing in general management. 

The appointment to BCR’s Board is subject to the approval of the relevant supervisory authorities.


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Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR), a member of Erste Group, is the most important financial group in Romania, including operations of universal bank (retail, corporate & investment banking, treasury and capital markets), as well as specialized companies on the leasing market, private pensions, housing banks and banking services. BCR is No. 1 bank in Romania on the assets value (over EUR 14.8 billion), No. 1 Bank by number of clients and No. 1 bank by savings and financing segments. BCR is the most valuable financial brand from Romania, considering the degree of trust of the clients and the number of people for whom BCR is the main banking institution.

BCR offers a complete range of products and financial services through a network of 22 business centres and 18 mobile offices for companies and 513 retail units located in major cities across the country with over 10,000 inhabitants. BCR is the No. 1 bank in Romania on the bank transaction market, BCR clients having available the largest national network of ATMs – over 2,000 ATMs and POSs – over 15,200 card payment terminals to merchants, as well as full service Internet banking, Mobile Banking, Phone-banking and E-commerce.

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Erste Group is one of the main financial service providers from the Eastern European Union. 46,700 employees serve 15.9 million clients in 2,700 branches from 7 countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia). At the end of the third trimester of 2016, Erste Group had total assets in amount of EUR 206.8 billion, a net profit of EUR 1.18 billion, and also 1st rank common capital index (Basel 3 fully integrated) of 13.2%.

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BCR – External Communication 

Catalin Ionita, e-mail: georgecatalin.ionita@bcr.ro

This information is also available on our web page at: www.bcr.ro

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Web: www.bcr.ro

Email: contact.center@bcr.ro

TelVerde: 0800.801.BCR (0800.801.227), toll-free telephone number from all the national networks.