• NGOs in Romania have managed in March to raise only on Bursa Binelui platform donations of over RON 200,000.
  • Bursa Binelui, a platform supported by Banca Comercială Română, is the only online platform where donations are not subject to commissions. Last year, the platform celebrated 7 years of existence and registered over 55,000 donations amounting to almost RON 3 million. 

Bucharest, April 16, 2020 - Only in March, through BursaBinelui.ro, 2,020 donations were made, each having an average amount of RON 104. They supported 37 projects registered on the platform and 26 NGOs received the help they needed.

A big part of the donations were directed to 5 projects fighting against COVID-19 pandemic.

●       Fondul de Urgență pentru Spitale - a project initiated by Save the Children Romanian Association

●       Oameni pentru Pitești COVID-19 - a project initiated by PMCF Association

●       Protejăm MEDICII și asistentele medicale de COVID-19 - a project initiated by Hai să ajutăm Association

●       Reciclăm speranța COVID-19 - a project initiated by Școala mamei Junior Association

●       Ajută-i pe cei 550 să treacă cu bine și peste carantină - a project initiated by Adăpostul Speranța Foundation

We are happy that #wesucceedtogether to place at the disposal of NGOs a space where they can continue their mission to help those in need, all the more considering COVID-19 pandemic. March was an impressive month, as the platform registered 4 times more donations as compared to January, donations which also supported projects dedicated to fighting against the new type of coronavirus. We shall continue to support NGOs of all sizes in Romania. We give a big round of applause to those who dedicate part of their time to helping", said Nicoleta Deliu, Head of CSR & Communication BCR.

Bursa Binelui continues its goal of supporting the non-governmental field in Romania and encourages all people to go to the page https://www.bursabinelui.ro/BursaBinelui/ and to donate for a cause they believe in.

Banca Comercială Română (BCR), a member of Erste Group, is one of the most important financial groups in Romania, including universal bank operations (retail, corporate & investment banking, treasury and capital markets) as well as leasing, private pensions and housing bank companies.

BCR provides a wide range of financial products and services, through a network of 19 business centers and 17 mobile offices dedicated to companies, as well as through a network of 430 retail branches, located in most localities in the country having more than 10,000 integrated BCR is the no. 1 bank in Romania on the banking transactions market, BCR customers benefiting from the largest ATM and MFM network almost 2,000 pieces of equipment, 14,500 POSs and full banking services provided by means of Internet banking, Mobile banking, Phone-banking and E-commerce.

BCR Corporate Communication

Cătălin Ioniță, e-mail:catalin.ionita@bcr.ro phone no: 0740.247.336

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