Bucharest, April 27, 2020 - BCR InnovX, the technology business acceleration program announces the companies which entered the acceleration program dedicated to the Start-up group, which has turnovers between EUR 100,000 and EUR 1,000,000. The jury selected 14 start-ups from Cluj, Iași and Bucharest which will start the acceleration program on April 27 in Bucharest. From over 106 applicants, 28 companies were selected during the incubation programs from Iasi, Cluj and Bucharest and following the final selection, 14 start-ups will start the acceleration program which will last six weeks.

The start-ups from Iași, which entered the accelerating phase:

  • Breed XY: web and mobile applications for genetic assessment and improving breed animals performance
  • Exonia: is developing a robot for testing paper bags with 16 kg weights

From Cluj:

  • Avangarde Software: The VARA application, “VR Anxiety Relieving Application”, which reduces the anxiety level of patients in hospitals and medical clinics
  • RF-Meeters: the solution for smart energy metering, based on wireless technology
  • Careers in White: The electronic recruitment platform for medical personnel offering career opportunities for medical professionals throughout the world
  • Cyscale: is building a design platform for cloud domains

From Bucharest:

  • ORAROO: a cloud platform by means of which SMEs can digitalize their personnel processes
  • Enersec: an innovative collaborative platform using ML and blockchain for IoT systems protection
  • Finqware: develops technological infrastructure and products meant to support Open Banking
  • Space Hub: deals with the assembly of nanosatellites and sending them on the Earth's orbit
  • Nutricare.Life: is developing the first free prevention application by means of a digital platform for nutritional analysis.
  • Life as a gift: a mapping application of preferences and events for the loved ones
  • Maaster: the implementation of a model of urban transport routes planning in order to reduce traffic and pollution
  • Mount Devel: services for employee safety in biotech and pharma companies using AI and facial recognition

We have decided together with our InnovX partners that this year's acceleration program should continue to be non-equity, so that it may support as many start-ups as possible, especially during this crisis period. "Moreover, we have decided to increase the number of scholarships from 10 to 14, also selecting the best start-ups which participated in the incubation programs in Iași and Cluj from the beginning of this year" says Ionut Stanimir, Marketing Manager at BCR

"In the Covid-19 context, during the pre-acceleration period, we have noticed an increased level of interest from start-ups regarding the participation in the program. We adapted the curricula to the current need of the companies, especially as regards repositioning themselves on the market in view of unblocking and increasing business activity. We are honored by the trust the entrepreneurs showed us during in these difficult times, when pivoting and reinventing are essential actions for invocation”, says Diana Dumitrescu CEO InnovX.

"Teleworking starts to become a common thing and start-ups admitted that timely implementation of the measures to keep afloat critical business activities is a major competitive advantage. The companies which have growth potential and which, following the selection process, have managed to qualify to the acceleration phase will undergo an intensive and practical learning process, meant to help them accelerate their scaling process of their own projects", says Daniel Ilie, InnovX mentor& Business Continuity Planning Consultant.

The members of the selection committee for the Startups group was composed of: Ciprian Păltineanu (Main investor Innova Human Capital), Daniel Ilie (Former Special Forces Commander), Mircea Moraru (M&A Senior Associate CMS), Bogdan Hristescu (Regional MD -Euronet), Silviu Florea (Fintech Solutions Developer), Adela Ioniță (Transitions Coach Tu în centru), Ionuț Stanimir (BCR Marketing manager), Ana Crețu (BCR Start-up Programs manager), Nicu Iancu (I2DS2 Chiarman), Angela Mitu (Senior Partner Charted Debt Management), Camelia Ganga (Glovo Marketing Manager), Sergiu Pop (Startup Program Manager at Microsoft), Mădălina Hagima Hristescu (Managing Partner Hristescu & Partners), Alexandru Mihailciuc (Global Head of Pre-Sales UiPath), Bogdan Ștefan (tech and innovation advisor), Diana Dumitrescu (CEO InnovX) and Daniel Dumitrescu (CIO InnovX).

The virtual 6-week-acceleration program of BCR InnovX will be an intensive one, being composed of three parallel educational programs, dedicated to various members of the startups, depending on their responsibilities: 1. CEO - financial and business education program in view of attracting funding such as grants and equity; 2. CIO - Innovation education program and 3. CTO - emerging technologies education program.

The accelerator is a project carried out in a partnership with UiPath, Microsoft, Modex, EdX, Startup Grind, Mindspace, European Center for Services Investments and Financing (ECSIF) si MIT Enterprise Forum. For the local incubation programs, the project partners are FabLab and Școala Informală de IT (Iași), as well as AROBS Transilvania Software (Cluj). BCR covers the costs for all the scholarships granted to entrepreneurs participating in this project, courses and logistical costs.

More details about BCR-InnovX Accelerator: http://www.bcr.ro/accelerator

Banca Comercială Română (BCR), a member of Erste Group, is one of the most important financial groups in Romania, including universal bank operations (retail, corporate & investment banking, treasury and capital markets) as well as leasing, private pensions and housing bank companies.

BCR provides a wide range of financial products and services, through a network of 19 business centers and 17 mobile offices dedicated to companies, as well as through a network of 430 retail branches, located in most localities in the country having more than 10,000 inhabitants. BCR is the no. 1 bank in Romania on the banking transactions market, BCR customers benefiting from the largest ATM and MFM network  - almost 2,000 pieces of equipment, 14,500 POSs and full banking services provided by means of Internet banking, Mobile banking, Phone-banking and E-commerce.

BCR Corporate Communication

Cătălin Ioniță, e-mail:catalin.ionita@bcr.ro phone no: 0740.247.336

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