MasterCard Business Silver

Whether in lei or in euro, the Mastercard Business Silver debit card provides you the permanent control needed for managing payments for your business.

  • 24/7 access to any ATM in the country and abroad for cash withdrawals
  • risks related to holding cash are eliminated


  • 24/7 access to any ATM in the country and abroad for cash withdrawals
  • risks related to holding cash are eliminated
  • efficient means of control over business expenses
  • PIN code replacement at the ATM
  • possibility of issuing several cards attached to the same account with direct access to the current account balance


  • Debit card (all transactions are performed within the limits of the balance available on the card), with CIP, issued in lei, destined for legal persons having employees that perform, in the country and abroad, various business related payments (hotel, restaurant, transportation etc.). The card can be used in the country and abroad, both electronically (POS terminals and/or ATMs), as well as manually (ZIP-ZAP imprinters), wherever the MasterCard logo is displayed.
  • The card can be used for:
    • payment of merchandise and services with retailers that accept cards
    • cash withdrawals from ATM's and bank desks accepting cards
    • payment of utilities via BCR ATMs
    • topping up of pre-paid mobile phone cards
    • PIN code replacement at the ATM

Fees and commissions

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