This service is dedicated to holders of current accounts for standing order payments in lei or in foreign currency at BCR, natural or legal persons, allowing for regular payments to be made at the dates and in the amounts established in advance (leasing installments, rent), without requiring any further consent from the payer, except the one given through the agreement.
- The paying customer concludes an Agreement concerning Standing Order payments at the BCR branch. This is concluded for every beneficiary for which the payer wishes to make payments through Standing Order
- By signing the agreement, the paying customer authorizes the bank to execute, at the dates and in the amounts established mutually in advance, payment orders for the benefit of a service provider/supplier, while, at the same time, the customer undertakes to charge his account so that upon the due date there are sufficient funds to cover the preset payments
- The bank performs the payment orders according to the schedule from the concluded agreement, at the dates and in the amounts agreed with the paying customer,. The transfer into the account of the service provider/supplier is performed based only on the concluded agreement, without requiring any further consent from the paying customer. This operation will be reflected in the account statement.