Our network of commercial centers
Our entire network of branches is ready to serve you for current account transactions (including opening new accounts).
For business development matters or if you need specific information about more complex banking products and services for SMEs (such as financing products), our specialized staff are ready to assist you in our network of comemrcial centers.
Please see below a list of all these centers, and their country coverage.
Argeș area
- Counties serviced: Argeş
- Address: 83 Republicii Street, Piteşti
- Phone numbers: 0373 515933; 0373 515896; 0373 512696
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
- Counties serviced: Prahova and Dâmboviţa
- Address: 42 Văleni Street, Ploieşti
- Phone numbers: 0373 515796; 0373 515925; 0373 515892
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Vrancea area
Bacău Commercial Area Center
- Counties serviced: Bacău and Neamţ
- Address: 11 9Mai Street, Bacău
- Phone numbers: 0373 515764; 0373 515746
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-18:00
Vrancea Commercial Area Center
- Counties serviced: Vrancea and Buzău
- Address: 1 Fundătura Cuza Voda Street, Focşani
- Phone numbers: 0373 516031; 0373 516032
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-18:00
Braşov area
Brașov Commercial Area Center
- Counties serviced: Braşov and Covasna
- Address: 90A 15 Noiembrie Street, Braşov
- Phone numbers: 0373 520291; 0373 512684; 0373 516002
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Mureș Commercial Center
- Counties serviced: Mureş and Harghita
- Address: 1-3. Gheorghe Doja Street, Târgu Mureş
- Phone numbers: 0373 524422; 0373 515971; 0373 515734
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Bucharest area
Sector 1 Commercial Center
- Adress: 155 Calea Victoriei, bl. D1, Sector 1
- Phone numbers: 0373 515416; 0373 522118; 0373 515873; 0373 516117
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-18:00
Sector 2 Commercial Center
- Address: 26 Sos. Colentina, Sector 2
- Phone numbers: 0373 522407; 0373 515977
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Sector 6 Commercial Center
- Counties serviced: Giurgiu, Teleorman, Sector 6
- Address: Bd. Timişoara nr. 6C, Sector 6
- Phone numbers: 0373 515856; 0373 515851; 0373 516080; 0373 516009
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Unirea Commercial Center
- Address: Bd. Unirii nr. 43-45, bl. E2-E3, Sector 3
- Phone numbers: 0373 515809; 0373 515952; 0373 515953
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Transylvania Area
Cluj Commercial Area Center
- Counties serviced: Cluj, Bistriţa-Năsăud and Sălaj
- Address: 10-12 George Bariţiu, Cluj-Napoca
- Phone numbers: 0373 515996; 0373 515694; 0373 515688
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Bihor Commercial Center
- Counties serviced: Bihor and Arad
- Address: 2/c Dimitrie Cantemir Street, Oradea
- Phone numbers: 0373 515983; 0373 515932
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Maramureş Commercial Center
- Counties serviced: Maramureş and Satu Mare
- Address: 15 Unirii Boulevard, Baia Mare
- Phone numbers: 0373 515805
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Timiş Commercial Center
- Counties serviced: Timiş and Caraş-Severin
- Address:11 Calea Aradului, Timişoara
- Phone numbers: 0373 516295; 0373 515909; 0373 515995
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Constanţa area
Constanța Commercial Area Center
- Counties servicede: Constanţa, Călăraşi, Ialomiţa and Tulcea
- Address: 231 Mamaia Boulevard, Constanţa
- Phone numbers: 0373 515656; 0373 515851; 0373 515666; 0373 516301
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Galați Commercial Center
- Counties serviced: Galaţi and Brăila
- Address: 35 Brăilei Street, Galaţi
- Phone numbers: 0373 516029; 0373 516044
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-18:00
Dolj area
Dolj Commercial Area Center
- Counties serviced: Dolj, Mehedinţi and Olt
- Address: 4 Olteţ Street, Craiova
- Phone numbers: 0373 513108; 0373 516078; 0373 515437
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Vâlcea Commercial Center
- Counties serviced: Vâlcea and Gorj
- Address: 20 General Magheru STreet, Râmnicu Vâlcea
- Phone numbers: 0373 515974; 0373 515735
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Iaşi area
Iaşi Commercial Area Center
- Counties serviced: Iaşi and Vaslui
- Address: 11 Palat Street, Iaşi
- Phone numbers: 0373 516248; 0373 515767; 0373 515800
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Suceava Commercial Center
- Counties serviced: Suceava and Botoşani
- Address: 31 Ştefan cel MareStreet, Suceava
- Phone numbers: 0373 516064; 0373 515741
- Working hours: M-F 9:00-17:30
Sibiu area
Sibiu Commercial Area Center
- Counties serviced: Sibiu, Alba and Hunedoara
- Address: 1 Emil Cioran Street, Sibiu
- Phone numbers: 0373 516183; 0373 516179; 0373 515965
- Working hours: L-V 9:00-17:30