Obtaining token code
For Digital Signature (DS) generating for a transaction performed through the Alternative Channles operation performing Service, please see the following stepts:
» Press the on / off key ◄
» Insert the PIN code
» After the „APPLI-” message is displayed on the device screen, select the key 3.
When the token screen displays the digit 1, insert the tranzaction Click 24 Banking amount, which is displayed in the „Initial balance” field; this field alwas has the value „0” (eg 0,00 will be entered as 0 in the token device)
» Press and hold ◄
» When the token screen displays the digit 2, insert the digits from the „Initial opening interest rate” field; this field always has the value „0” (eg 0,00 will be entered as 0 in the token device)
» Press long the key ◄
» The device will generate a unique DS code
The generated code will be inserted in the specific digital signature field. By doing this, the transaction will be authorized